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Eurofins CPA Newsletter (May 2020)

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Monthly's Highlight

Eurofins approved by the French DGE for testing community mask for France  

For any seller or importer selling community masks in France, they are required to be compliant with the mandatory requirement outlined by the French government, including performance testing (filtration and breathability) by approved laboratory, logo display and notice of use to consumers. Eurofins has been nominated by the French DGE (Direction Générale des Entreprises) as an approved laboratory to perform the mandatory tests. Read more here


[Expert's view] Social compliance auditing during and after COVID-19

The dimensions of the pandemic and the associated tragedies are enormous and there will be lingering effects even after the health and humanitarian issues draw to a close. Read more ...

Editor's Picks

​Free quiz to test your knowledge of COVID-19 prevention in factory!

We have designed a quiz of 44 questions to see how much you know about this important subject. 

Challenge yourself now!

​Editor's Picks

A wide suite of services by Eurofins Group against COVID-19

From COVID-19 diagonsis, surface testing to medical PPE testing, Eurofins Group offers comprehensive support to everyone in the world in this battle. Learn more about the support at Eurofins Group website