When it comes to social compliance, a social audit is one of the most effective ways to examine the working conditions at a supplier site and build supply chain transparency.
Social audits allow brands to assess their suppliers, showcase their dedication to upholding human rights and monitor health and safety for their workers.
The Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) audit protocol is the standard for inclusion in the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (Sedex). Sedex is a global membership organisation dedicated to driving improvements in ethical and responsible business practices in global supply chains.
SMETA provides a standard audit and reporting protocol to consider the following:
SMETA 2-pillar audit
- Labour standards
- Health and safety
- Supplementary factors:
- Environmental assessment (rudimentary)
- Management systems
- Entitlement to work
- Subcontracting and homeworking
Why Choosing Eurofins Assurance?SMETA 4-pillar audit covers the above plus
- Environmental assessment (detailed)
- Business Ethics
As a Sedex Affiliated Audit Company (AAC), we have demonstrated compliance with Sedex’s stringent AAC requirements. Our social compliance auditors are approved to conduct SMETA audits and use their expertise to provide buyers and suppliers with the insights and information needed to achieve their social compliance and ethical goals. We can execute Sedex SMETA audits on behalf of Sedex members worldwide.
SMETA is one of the most widely adopted social audit standards globally and enables auditors to conduct audits that reflect all aspects of responsible and ethical business practices. It also allows suppliers to share one audit report with multiple customers, reducing the need for time-exhaustive duplication. The audit results in a graded evaluation that helps drive corrective measures.
Why Choosing Eurofins Consumer Products Assurance network to conduct your SMETA audit?
- To meet the requirements of hectic sourcing schedules, we can complete SMETA audit reports in as short as 4 working days with complimentary report uploading. Our reporting efficiency gives customers a competitive edge when it comes to sourcing and supply chain management.
- Booking windows are also as short as 2 weeks to provide maximised flexibility and best fit your operations' needs.
- We have secured various industry-standard memberships and accreditations to ensure we are fully certified to carry out social audits for brands and retailers. We are a Full Member Firm of the Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors (APSCA), demonstrating expertise in quality social compliance audits.
- Our digital platform, Eurofins Assurance OnLine, provides much-needed data intelligence to support modern-day sourcing decisions.
- We uphold stringent quality, process and ethics management systems. Our independent Quality and Ethics Team ensures every aspect of quality in the production process is well monitored, and any potential ethical issues are analysed and resolved. Our customers can expect the highest levels of consistency and integrity in everything we do.

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