Eurofins Market Standard Audit – Environmental

It is paramount, for our environment and for us all, that businesses incorporate sustainability into their manufacturing processes, today and into the future.
How seriously a business takes its responsibility to and measures its impact on the environment is a critical part of how customers, the public and internal and external stakeholders view the brand.
In response to mounting calls from the public for transparency on sustainability efforts, and in order to meet certain national regulatory requirements, retailers and brands are becoming increasingly more engaged in both their own environmental policies and those of businesses in the whole supply chain, as sustainability principles must be implemented at every part of the supply chain in order to make meaningful change.
The Eurofins Market Standard Audit – Environmental has been designed by our experts with significant chemical knowledge, audit know-how and field experience in order to generate an audit that provides a comprehensive picture of a manufacturing site’s environmental performance.
Our well-trained auditors evaluate a site’s environmental performance in terms of three aspects:
Structure and System
- Environmental - legal requirements
- Environmental - management systems
- Chemical management
- Water consumption, monitoring and savings
- Energy consumption, monitoring and savings
Unwanted Outputs
- Nuisances
- Emissions to air
- Wastewater treatment
- Solid and hazardous waste management
Audit reports provide valuable findings on site performance against audit parameters as well as compliance with local regulations. Coupled with photographic reports, our Eurofins Market Standard Audit – Environmental audit provides buyers or stakeholders with the information they need to make considered business decisions in relation to environmental policies, initiatives and direction.

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