amfori BSCI

There is a growing expectation that companies not only demonstrate socially responsible and ethical practice internally but also within their supply chains.
What is amfori BSCI?
Based on the labour standards of the International Labour Organization, the amfori BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) is an industry-driven movement developed in 2003 by amfori, a global business association for open and sustainable trade. It allows businesses to monitor and assess improvements in your supplier’s social performance against the requirements of the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct.
amfori BSCI audits assess a supplier against the values and principles of the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct, which is represented by and assessed by 13 interconnected Performance Areas (PAs):
- Social management system and cascade effect
- Workers involvement and protection
- The rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining
- No discrimination
- Fair remuneration
- Decent working hours
- Occupational health and safety (OHS)
- No child labour
- Special protection for young workers
- No precarious employment
- No bonded labour
- Protection of the environment
- Ethical business behaviour
The amfori BSCI audit process consists of a combination of full and follow-up audits. Full audits take place every two years and assess all 13 performance areas (PAs), whereas follow-up audits are conducted in between and solely focus on PAs identified as requiring improvement.
What are the benefits of an amfori BSCI audit?
The amfori BSCI system offers a measurable approach that aims to enhance working conditions in your supply chain and provide the following benefits:
- Providing standardised management tools for all companies globally
- Creating a database to optimise coordination
- Improving the social performance of your supply chain
- Reducing cost and increasing efficiency
- Improving organisation resilience and adaptability to market changes.
- Building a reputable brand image in the eyes of your customers
Why Choose the Eurofins Consumer Products Assurance network to conduct your amfori BSCI audit?
As an approved auditing partner of amfori, we have trained auditors with extensive experience in more than 15 countries (including China, Cambodia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, India, Turkey, Eastern Europe and Latin America) who can support your amfori BSCI monitoring requirements and support your businesses as it implements and improves sustainable practices in your supply chain.
To meet the requirements of hectic sourcing schedules, we can complete amfori BSCI audit reports in 4 working days. Our reporting efficiency gives customers a competitive edge when it comes to sourcing and supply chain management.
As a Full Member Firm of the Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors (APSCA), we have demonstrable expertise in quality social compliance audits.

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