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Eurofins Assurance launches Zero Waste to Landfill Certification Service to support zero waste transformation for industries

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The Eurofins Assurance network of companies is pleased to announce that it has launched a new Zero Waste to Landfill Certification Service for industries to support customers’ fact-based commitments on zero waste. The service echoes seamlessly UN Sustainable Development Goal 12 Ensure Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns, particularly Target 12.4, 12.5 and 12.6.

Industrial waste is an inevitable part of the manufacturing process but it presents a huge challenge to manufacturing site operators in terms of waste management and disposal. Landfill is one of the most common ways of waste disposal. This disposal method however can lead to various environmental issues, including air, water and soil pollution. It is thus crucial for industries to incorporate proper waste management and disposal into their sustainability policies, and set up measurable targets from this to drive actions.

Designed for different kinds of industry by environmental audit experts with particular knowledge in solid waste and hazardous waste areas, Eurofins Assurance’s Zero Waste to Landfill Certification Service takes a laser-focused approach to assess and verify the level of effort taken to minimise waste disposal to landfills by the businesses.

Upon completion of the whole audit process, the businesses will be awarded Zero Waste to Landfill Certificates. Certificates are granted for three levels of achievement, namely Zero Waste to Landfill Certificate, Near Zero Waste to Landfill Certificate and Advanced Waste Diversion Certificate, which indicates demonstration of diversion over 99%, 95% to 99% and 85% to 99% of waste to landfill respectively.

The service helps customers to substantiate their claims around waste management with data, reports and certificates that indicate actionable items, improvement and achievement. It also provides the much needed transparency into the company’s’ operations as more public disclosure is anticipated when businesses move towards a more collaborative and engaging ESG landscape.

Learn more at the Zero Waste to Landfill Certification Service webpage.


For further information:

Fiona Fong
Global Senior Marketing Manager
Eurofins Consumer Products Assurance
Phone: +852 6113 9903


About Eurofins – the global leader in bio-analysis

Eurofins is Testing for Life. Eurofins is the global leader in food, environment, pharmaceutical and cosmetic product testing, and in discovery pharmacology, forensics, advanced material sciences and agroscience Contract Research services. Eurofins is also a market leader in certain testing and laboratory services for genomics, and in the support of clinical studies, as well as in BioPharma Contract Development and Manufacturing. The Group also has a rapidly developing presence in highly specialised and molecular clinical diagnostic testing and in-vitro diagnostic products.

With over 61,000 staff across a network of 900 laboratories in 61 countries, Eurofins’ companies offer a portfolio of over 200,000 analytical methods.

Eurofins Shares are listed on Euronext Paris Stock Exchange.

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