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Eurofins receives Higg FEM Verifier Body approval

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Eurofins Consumer Products Assurance (CPA) is pleased to announce that it has been approved by the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) as a Higg Facility Environmental Module (Higg FEM) Verifier Body, supporting the apparel and footwear industry’s effort in driving continuous improvement in their environmental performance.

Developed by the SAC, the Higg Facility Environmental Module (Higg FEM) informs manufacturers, brands, and retailers about the environmental performance of their individual facilities, empowering them to scale sustainability improvements. Through assessment of seven aspects, it provides facilities with a clear picture of their environmental impacts. It helps them identify and prioritize opportunities for performance improvements.

As an accredited Verified Body, approved Verifiers of Eurofins CPA can conduct on-site audits to validate and confirm information submitted by facilities, and facilities can then share their results with brands and retailers to demonstrate their achievement in environmental performance. Such validation is required only once each year, removing excessive administrative work for the facilities.

The approval of Higg FEM Verifier Body qualification will help accelerate our dedication to providing robust environmental support and provides another opportunity to help those in the industry progress towards a cleaner supply chain.

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