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Eurofins CPA CSR expert Randy Rankin selected as the C Member representative to the Executive Board of APSCA

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Eurofins Consumer Products Assurance is proud that our Global Client Development Director, North America, Randy Rankin has been elected as the C Member representative to the Executive Board of the Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors (APSCA). Comprising over 40 audit service providers, the C Member group represents the largest constituent among the APSCA member firms. The seat is elected for a 2 year term and is critical to the governance and continued development of the professional standards body for social compliance auditors. Randy has significant, broad experience and expertise in the risk and supply chain management serving top-tier consumer products companies.

Randy noted “I am proud to be back working with the APSCA Executive Board and having an opportunity to represent the C Member Firms. The work of APSCA is critically important to the credibility and effectiveness of social audits”.

APSCA is the leading industry association for social compliance audit industry, driving the enhancement of professionalism, consistency and credibility of the individuals and organizations in the industry. Eurofins Consumer Products Assurance is one of the Full APSCA Member Firms, signifying our stringent delivery of our social compliance capability and expertise.

Find out more about the comprehensive factory audit services by Eurofins CPA here.