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13-Dec-2023 Eurofins receives VAP Accreditation from Responsible Business Alliance to support ethical performance of electronics, retail, auto and toy industries
We are pleased to announce that we have received accreditation from Responsible Business Alliance (R...
29-Sep-2023 Eurofins Food Assurance acquires ARS PROBATA, presenting a significant milestone in growth strategy
Eurofins Assurance is pleased to announce its merger with ARS PROBATA ( AR...
14-Sep-2023 Eurofins Food Assurance acquires EICG in Spain and expands its global portfolio in Animal Welfare and Product Certification
Eurofins Assurance is pleased to announce the acquisition of EICG (
13-Jul-2023 Eurofins receives Sustainable Apparel Coalition membership
Eurofins is pleased to announce that it has become Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) Affiliate Mem...
6-Feb-2023 Eurofins becomes SAC Higg Facility Environmental Module Trainer Body
The Eurofins Assurance network of companies is pleased to announce that it has become Higg Facility ...
27-Oct-2022 Eurofins Assurance launches Zero Waste to Landfill Certification Service to support zero waste transformation for industries
The Eurofins Assurance network of companies is pleased to announce that it has launched a new Zero W...
21-Sep-2022 Eurofins Sustainability Services Launched
Eurofins Sustainability Services brings together a wide range of our sustainability products and ser...
8-Jun-2022 COSTCO - Additional requirements for IFS Food certified sites
Starting by 01.06.2022, the US wholesaler COSTCO has changed its supplier assessment approach for IF...
7-Mar-2022 Important update on inspection and audit operations in Ukraine and nearby regions
Eurofins CPA inspection and audit operations in Ukraine have been completely suspended. We are happy...
1-Feb-2022 Eurofins Assurance is expanding its Quality Assurance and GxP pharma audit offering with the acquisition of Sisthema.
Eurofins Assurance is pleased to announce the acquisition of Sisthema, a full-serviced quality servi...
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