Physical Chemistry

Eurofins Agroscience Services offers a broad spectrum of analytical services needed for the registration of your substances
For each source of an active substance, a technical specification is required - we can generate data on the physical, chemical and technical properties of plant protection products and other chemicals as detailed in the relevant regulations and guidelines.
Physico-chemical properties (actives / formulated products)
- Melting point/melting range (OECD 102)
- Boiling point/boiling range (OECD 103)
- Density (OECD 109)
- Vapour pressure (OECD 104)
- Henry constant (calculation)
- pH (OECD 122)
- Physical state, colour and odour
- Water solubility (OECD 105)
- Solubility in organic solvents (OECD 105)
- Partition coefficient
- Abiotic degradation / hydrolysis (OECD 111)
- Dissociation constant (OECD 112)
- Flammability (solids) (A.10 or UN-Test N.1)
- Flash point (liquids) (A.9)
- Flammability (solids) (A.10)
- Bowes-Cameron cage test (UN N.4)
- Explosive properties (A.14)
- Surface tension (A.5)
- Oxidizing properties of solids (A.17 or UN-Test O.1)
- Oxidizing properties of liquids (A.21 or UN-Test O.2)
- Pyrophoric properties of solids and liquids (A.13 or UN-Test N.1 / N.3)
- Particle size distribution by laser diffraction (CIPAC MT 187)
- Particle size distribution (CIPAC MT 170)
- Thermal stability (OECD 113)
- Adsorption/desorption (OECD 121)
- Auto-ignition temperatures of liquids or solids (A.15 or A.16)
- Acidity, alkalinity if pH is < 4 or >9 (OECD 122 / CIPAC MT 191)
- Viscosity (OECD 114 / CIPAC MT 192)
- Surface tension (A.5 / OECD 115)
- Tap density / bulk density (CIPAC MT 186)
- Wettability (CIPAC MT 53.3)
- Persistent foaming (CIPAC MT 47.3)
- Dispersibility of WG (CIPAC MT 174)
- Suspensibility (CIPAC MT 184)
- Spontaneity of dispersion (CIPAC MT 160)
- Wet sieve test (CIPAC MT 185)
- Dustiness (CIPAC MT 171)
- Friability and attrition characteristics (CIPAC MT 178)
- Friability of tablets (CIPAC MT 193) by using a Heubach Dustmeter
- Emulsion stability (MT 36.3 or MT 173)
- Flowability of WG after heat test under pressure (CIPAC MT 172)
- Pourability (CIPAC MT 148)
- Dilution stability of herbicide aqueous solution (CIPAC MT 41)
- Degree of dissolution and solution stability (CIPAC MT 179)
- Dispersion stability (CIPAC MT 180)
- Dissolution of water soluble bags (CIPAC MT 176)
- Seed treatment/ loading analysis/ distribution and flow
- Effectiveness of cleaning procedures
For further information, please contact us