Residue Studies

Eurofins Agroscience Services Residue Studies
Determination of Residue Unit Doses (RUDs), DT50 and Time Weighted Average (TWA) values
With regards to the risk assessment for birds and mammals, the determination of initial residues on the day of application and residue decline in food sources such as seeds, plants, earthworms and insects can be conducted in the lab and the field as well (based on the EFSA 2009 Guidance Document on Risk Assessment for Birds and Mammals).
Nectar and Pollen Residue Studies
To determine the amount of residues pollinators are exposed to after PPP application, residue studies with nectar and pollen as matrices can be performed. Nectar and pollen can be collected either by hand or with the help of different pollinators. Standard pollinators used for sampling of nectar and pollen are honey bees and bumble bees. Red mason bees can be used for pollen sampling. Samples of honey or bumble bees collected in the field at defined intervals after application and are sent to our laboratory where the bees are dissected for the manual extraction of their honey stomach contents. The pollen loads can also be collected for analysis. The obtained samples can be either analysed at our facility or stored until shipment to the selected analytical laboratory.