Non-Target Terrestrial Plants

Eurofins Agroscience Services performs tests on plant protection products (PPPs) that are designed to evaluate the potential effects on emergence and vegetative vigour of plant seedlings
These tests assess the germination and growth of plant seeds or the potential effects on the above-ground portions of plants. Additionally, we can conduct tests with treated soil to determine the inhibition of growth and reproductive capability of higher plants. Tests are performed under defined conditions in a greenhouse and can be conducted all year round.
Seedling Emergence Test - OECD 208 / OCSPP 850.4100
This test is designed to evaluate the potential effects of PPPs on seedling emergence and seedling growth. After application of the test substance by spraying on the soil surface or incorporation of the test substance into the soil, the seeds are observed for germination and growth. The effect of a test substance on the seedling emergence and growth is determined over a test period of at least 14 days following 50 % emergence in the control. At the end of the observation period, the shoot dry/fresh weight of the above-ground portion of all surviving plants, and the shoot height can be measured. A dose response or a limit test can be conducted with various monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous (non-) crop species. If required, a range finder can be conducted prior to the main test.
Vegetative Vigour Test - OECD 227 / OCSPP 850.4150
This test is designed to evaluate potential effects of PPPs on the above-ground portions of plants. The effect on vigour and growth is determined over a test period of 21 days following application. The test substance is sprayed to young plants at 2 to 4 true leaf stage (BBCH 12 – 14). At the end of the observation period the shoot dry/fresh weight of the above-ground portion of all surviving plants can be measured. A dose response or a limit test can be conducted with various monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous (non-) crop species). If required, a range finder can be conducted prior to the main test.
Soil Quality - Biological Methods - Chronic Toxicity in Higher Plants - ISO 22030
This test is designed to determine the inhibition of growth and generative endpoints of higher plants in treated soils. The duration of the test should be sufficient to include acute as well as chronic (generative) endpoints. The endpoints are the emergence rates and number and biomass of flowers and seeds. This test is conducted with the two recommended species (rapid-cycling variant of turnip rape (Brassica rapa CrGC) and oat (Avena sativa). Typically, seeds are sown in replicate test pots and then harvested at day 14 and also at the end of the test. This test can also be used to assess soil quality, especially the function of soil as habitat for plants by using natural test soil, e.g. from contaminated sites or remediated soil.
Non-Standard Studies
Besides our standard studies according to the respective guidelines there is also the capacity to conduct customized studies with Non-Target Terrestrial Plants such as e.g. semi-field studies under a UV-permeable roof with rain protection. We are also experienced with testing non-crop plant species at the vegetative and generative growth stage. Currently, our team is working on further development of the testing of non-crop plant species and generative endpoints to address relevant requirements of current EFSA opinion papers.