Terrestrial Laboratory

Eurofins Agroscience Services offers a wide range of standardized TIER I laboratory studies as well as more complex higher tier studies
These are conducted under extended laboratory, semi-field and field conditions with standard or special designs. All studies are planned and performed by a highly experienced team of scientists and technical personnel according to the recent guidelines (IOBC, OECD, ISO, EPA) and guidance documents.
Honey Bees, Bumble Bees and Solitary Bees
Eurofins Agroscience Services has a long history of testing the effects of plant protection products (PPPs) on honey bees (Apis mellifera) and bumble bees (Bombus terrestris) following OECD Guidelines for laboratory studies and OPPTS guidelines for extended studies. Over the past few years, our team has been actively involved in several international ring test groups which resulted in several OECD guidelines and guidance documents on Apis and non-Apis laboratory testing methods such as OECD 237 (2013), OECD 239 (2016), OECD 245 (2017), OECD 246 (2017) and OECD 247 (2017). We offer acute and chronic studies with adult honey and bumble bees as well as 7d, 8d and 22d larval tests with honey bees. Additionally, solitary bees (Osimia bicornis) are tested.
Non-Target Arthropods
We perform basic and extended testing on leaf dwelling parasitoids (Aphidius rhopalosiphi, Trichogramma cacoeciae), predatory mites (Typhlodromus pyri), aphidophagous predators (Chrysoperla carnea, Coccinella septempunctata) and anthocorid bugs (Orius laevigatus). Test designs can be adapted to clients’ specific requirements depending on the product or application technique. Extended studies are either based on the classical laboratory or the aged residues design. In aged residue studies, the persistence of an agrochemical in the specimens is assessed.
Additionally, we offer studies, with soil dwelling arthropod species like carabid beetles (Poecilus cupreus, adults and larvae), staphylinid beetles (Aleochara bilineata) and lycosid spiders (Pardosa sp.). All tests are performed following the IOBC/WPRS guidelines.
Non-Target In-Soil Organisms
Eurofins Agroscience Services has more than 25 years experience in laboratory testing of ecotoxicological effects on earthworms, springtails and predatory mites. Our stock cultures of Eisenia fetida/andrei, Folsomia candida and Hypoaspis aculeifer provide test organisms that are needed to perform acute toxicity studies and reproduction toxicity studies as well as earthworm bioaccumulation studies all the year round. Studies with earthworms, springtails and soil mites are commonly conducted using OECD artificial soil. However, tests can also be conducted using natural soils. Furthermore, as standard, we also conduct the soil microflora test throughout the year which includes the short-term respiration and the nitrogen transformation measurement. In addition as representative of the mycorrhizal fungi community, e.g. Glomus mossae, can be tested. All tests follow the most recent OECD and ISO guidelines.
Non-Target Dung Organisms
We conduct studies for the testing of veterinary pharmaceuticals with dung flies;offering both Musca autumnalis and Scatophaga stercoraria aswell as the dung beetles Aphodius constans and Onthophagus taurus. Our healthy in-house breeding culture of the dung beetle O. taurus, which was established back in 2014 allows us to run tests with chronic endpoints such as reproduction all year round.
Non-Target Terrestrial Plants
We perform tests on seedling emergence and seedling early growth, observing the germination and growth of plant seeds or to evaluate the potential effects on the above-ground portions of plants. Additionally, we can conduct tests using treated soil which are designed to determine the inhibition of growth and reproductive capability of higher plants according to ISO 22030. In accordance with OECD or OCSPP Guidelines, tests are performed under defined conditions in a greenhouse so these studies can be conducted all year round.
Residue studies
With regard to the risk assessment for birds and mammals, the determination of test item residues in food sources such as plants, earthworms and insects can also be conducted (based on EFSA 2009 Guidance Document). Studies are designed to calculate DT50 and TWA values. If required, we can also determine the amount of residues carried into the hive by forager bees after PPP application and honey stomach preparations can be performed.
Along with our full standard portfolio we also offer the following:
- Client customized non-standard studies:
• Testing of coated seed or metabolites in laboratory and higher tier studies with soil inhabiting arthropods
• Drip irrigation system under semi-field conditions)
• Testing of the endogeic earthworm species Aporrectodea caliginosa in natural soil
• Laboratory dust studies with granulated test items
• Wind tunnel studies to mimic spray drift exposure
• NTTP semi-field studies under a UV-permeable roof with rain protection
• Testing of non-crop terrestrial plant species at the vegetative and generative growth stage
• Non-Target In-Soil Organisms can be tested with a set of natural soils
• As an alternative to the parthenogenetic collembolan species Folsomia candida the sexually reproducing Sinella curviseta can be tested
• Testing of the oribatid mite Oppia nitens (ISO Draft 23226:2018) - Non-GLP screening-tests with Eisenia fetida, Folsomia candida, Hypoaspis aculeifer, Typhldoromus pyri, Aphidius rhopalosiphi, Apis mellifera and Bombus terrestris
- Test system development
• Terrestrial isopods (Porcellio scaber) feeding on test item treated leaf litter (exposure via food uptake)
• Herbivorous butterfly larvae (Vanessa cardui and Pierris brassicae) feeding on test item treated leaves (exposure via food uptake) - Tests with Apis mellifera in laboratory in autumn and winter in Spain