SETAC EU 2025 Poster and Presentation Sessions - Eurofins Scientific

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SETAC EU 2025 Poster and Presentation Sessions

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This year, at SETAC Europe 2024 in Seville, Spain experts from EAS Group's Environmental Testing team will present a number of posters and co-chair sessions. Please see below a list of content and contacts...

Accepted Abstracts - Posters, Presentations, Co-chaired sessions and Training Courses


Selection of an application diet for an acute oral test on the solitary bee Megachiles rotundata Aguilar J.A., Soler E.

Tuesday 07 May, 09:30 - 17:30

Exhibition Hall (FIBES 2, FIBES)

Non-target arthropods: what influences their sensitivity to pesticides in the field/landscape? Dehelean B., Hagen-Kissling M., De Felici L.

Tuesday 07 May, 09:30 - 17:30

Exhibition Hall (FIBES 2, FIBES)

New approaches to analytical methods for the analysis of residues of PPPs in non-typical matrices collected by solitary leafcutter bees (Megachile rotundata F., Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in a semi-field test design Knaebe S., Kirchmaier R., Mewis A., Kleinhenz D., Fricke J., Klein O., Gimeno C., Gimeno Rodrigo C.

Tuesday 07 May, 09:30 - 17:30

Exhibition Hall (FIBES 2, FIBES)

New experiences and insights of two-year testing with the leafcutter bee Megachile rotundata in a semi-field test design Knaebe S., Fricke J., Klein O., Gimeno C., Gimeno Rodrigo C.

Tuesday 07 May, 09:30 - 17:30

Exhibition Hall (FIBES 2, FIBES)

Definitive methodology for the acute contact test on the solitary bee Megachiles rotundata. -DL50  toxic reference Aguilar A., Soler E., Gimeno C.

Tuesday 07 May, 09:30 - 17:30

Exhibition Hall (FIBES 2, FIBES)

Natural Soil Testing in the OECD 226 Soil Mite Reproduction Test using Dimethoate Aderjan E., Wagenhoff E., Duffner A.

Wednesday 08 May, 08:45 - 18:45

Exhibition Hall (FIBES 2, FIBES)

Targeting Validity Criteria in Natural Soil Testing as Intermediate-Tier Approach with Earthworms, Soil Mites and Springtails Aderjan E., Wagenhoff E., Duffner A.

Thursday 09 May, 08:45 - 18:45

Exhibition Hall (FIBES 2, FIBES)

Impact of climate change on effects in Daphnia acute studies Moser T., Samel A., Selja V., Weber K.

Wednesday 08 May, 08:45 - 18:45

Exhibition Hall (FIBES 2, FIBES)

Is the Japanese Medaka a Reliable Species for Testing Endocrine Disrupting Compounds? Araujo G., Gony S., Conrad I.

Thursday 09 May, 09:30 - 17:30

Exhibition Hall (FIBES 2, FIBES)

Impact of global warming on OECD water-sediment test systems Eser S., Schwalbach N., Weber K.

Thursday 09 May, 09:30 - 17:30

Exhibition Hall (FIBES 2, FIBES)

Influence of Gel Permeation Chromatography Set-up on Results Schmiedt S., Bendig P.

Thursday 09 May, 08:45 - 18:45

Exhibition Hall (FIBES 2, FIBES)


Development of ecotoxicological testing methods on herbivorous larvae of Locusta migratoria and Spodoptera littoralis under laboratory conditions Böhrs L., Duffner A.

Tuesday 07 May, 15:30

Paris (FIBES 2, FIBES)

Ecotoxicological test protocol for the assessment of reproductive endpoints in Non-Target Terrestrial Plants under greenhouse conditions Duffner A., Huerta F.

Thursday 09 May, 11:30

Bahia (FIBES 1, FIBES)

Co-chaired session

Pollinator risk assessment in a changing landscape

Duffner A.

Tuesday 07 May, 11:35

Paris (FIBES 2, FIBES)

Training Course

Application of Wildlife Toxicology Studies to Support of Environmental Risk Assessment of Pesticides Dittrich R. Sunday 05 May, 08:30 - 17:30

Any Questions? Please contact Christoph Grondal