Wildlife Field Services

Eurofins MITOX conducts GLP field studies, with the aim of obtaining generic data and determining the potential impact of plant protection products (PPPs) on birds or mammals under conditions of realistic use.
This includes the securing of ecological data (specific focal species, foraging time spent in treated areas PT, and composition of diet PD), residue levels and residue decline on food items used in the European risk assessment for birds and mammals.
Methods used include radio telemetry, monitoring of population development and reproduction, behaviour observations (including night observation by thermo-sensitive devices), carcass search and residues analytics.
Our studies encompass a wide range of possibilities, from the typical focal species in the risk assessment to the monitoring of upcoming taxa like bats or reptiles. Studies can be adapted to suit specific needs including tailor-made experimental designs and novel sampling techniques.
We have an experienced field team of biologists, eco-toxicologists and agronomists across Europe ready to support you with your needs. Close collaboration between our analytical teams, our taxonomy group and our regulatory team will help contribute to the successful registration of your products. In summary, we provide:
- Birds and Mammals studies
- Focal species studies
- PT and PD studies
- Behavioural studies
- Effect studies (acute and long-term)
- Residue decline studies on food items (both field and tunnel)
- Taylor-made studies
For further information, please contact us