
Eurofins Agroscience Services performs a variety of studies on pollinators around the world
Pollinator exposure semi-field and field including feeding studies
Eurofins Agroscience Services offers a wide range of pollinator studies following standard or special designs. All studies are planned and performed by a highly experienced team of scientists and technical personnel.
Our experience ranges from standard studies where we evaluate the acute toxicity of a test item applied to an attractive crop through to special studies where we can evaluate, for example, possible risk to brood but also sublethal effects on bees.
In recognition of the increasing interest surrounding bee health in the global community, EAS Group can offer honey bee residue studies and wider ecotoxicology services on a worldwide basis.
Nectar and pollen residue studies
Our team has extensive experience of conducting GLP residue sampling in agricultural crops. The experience covers not only common crops but also exotic crops such as coffee. We are a member of the ICPPR working group which aims to refine sampling and methodology for these type of trials.
Honey bee studies
Eurofins Agroscience Services is experienced in honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) standard studies conducted in Phacelia tanacetifolia and OSR. We have in-house apiaries at all main locations, run by our own beekeepers. We have considerable expertise in conducting semi-field and field studies in the relevant crop (e.g. maize, sugar beet, potato and sunflower) and have carried out long-term studies over several years. Our ecotoxicology group is well versed in running parallel studies in different geographical locations.
In the USA, we are able to perform large colony feeding studies that are conducted over a year with a total of 96 bee hives.
Wild solitary bees and bumble bee studies
Eurofins Agroscience Services is an active participant in the development of semi-field study design for solitary bees and bumble bees within the ICPPR. All studies are planned and performed by a highly experienced team of scientists and technical personnel based on the current practices and guidelines. Solitary bee studies are performed with red mason bees (Osmia bicornis L.) under semi-field and field conditions. Bumble bee studies with Bombus terrestris L. can be conducted as semi-field studies, as field studies but also under greenhouse conditions in Spain and Italy.
Pollinator monitoring studies
We have conducted monitoring studies for agrochemical companies in many environments within Europe as well as Brazil and North America.
For further information, please contact us