Aquatic Laboratory

Eurofins Agroscience Services offers a full package of studies to GLP on aquatic non-target organisms, on microorganisms and ready biodegradability tests
All studies are planned and performed by experienced teams of scientists and technical personnel in accordance with the most recent guidelines (OECD, EPA, OPPTS, JMAFF), covering the requirements for the registration of e.g. plant protection products (PPPs), pharmaceutical products and REACH. The analytical dose verification and fate of the active ingredient(s) is performed as close as possible in parallel to the biological part of the study.
Algae and Macrophytes
Algae studies are performed with all standard species listed in the relevant guidelines as OECD 201, OCSPP 850.4500, JMAFF 2-7-7, DIN EN ISO 10253 and DIN EN ISO 8692 (e.g. the green algae Desmodesmus subspicatus and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, the blue green alga Anabaena flos-aquae and the diatoms Navicula pelliculosa and Skeletonema costatum). Alternative species and assessments of species sensitivity distribution (SSD) are available on request. Generally algae tests are performed in static test designs, but for Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata a semi-static test design can be offered.
Aquatic plant studies are performed either on Lemna, Myriophyllum, Glyceria and other additional macrophytes.
To meet specific demands, standard species are cultured in-house.
Aquatic Invertebrates
Acute toxicity and reproduction tests on invertebrates (freshwater and marine) are performed, depending on the requirements, in static, semi-static or for some species also in flow-through test design. Studies with pulsed-exposure scenarios can be also performed.
We perform studies with Daphnia, Chironomus, Lumbriculus, Mysis and Hyalella. For higher-tier effect assessment further invertebrate taxa e.g. Asellus, Gammarus, Chaoborus, Culex, Cyclopoida, Odonata, Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera are available.
Several combinations of invertebrate taxa are offered in microcosm test designs.
Aquatic Vertebrates: acute and chronic toxicity tests with fish
Fish acute and chronic toxicity tests with several different fish species (e.g. rainbow trout, zebrafish, common carp, fathead minnow and medaka) are offered.
The following tests are conducted in our laboratories:
- Acute toxicity tests
- Fish embryo tests
- Fish early life stage toxicity test
- Bioaccumulation in Fish: Aqueous and Dietary Exposure (with fish, oysters and other species)
- Endocrine studies (see link endocrine testing)
- Feeding studies
- Pharmakokinetic studies
Depending on the properties of the test item static, semi-static or flow through test designs are applied. Various technical options for dosing of flow-through systems are available. Tests on bioaccumulation are offered with fish, oysters and other species.
Endocrine Testing
The following studies on endocrine disruptor properties are conducted in our laboratories. Click here for a full overview of our ED Testing capabilities.
- Fish short-term reproduction assay (FSTRA) – OECD 229
- Fish Short-term Screening for Oestrogenic and Androgenic Activity – OECD 230
- Fish Sexual Development Test (FSDT) – OECD 234
- Amphibian metamorphosis assay (AMA) – OECD 231
- Medaka extended one generation reproduction test (MEOGRT) –OECD 240
- Larval Amphibian Growth and Development assay (LAGDA) – OECD 241
- Fish Full Life-Cycle Tests-OPPTS 850.1500 and OECD DRP No 95
- Xenopus Eleutheroembryonic Thyroid Assay (XETA) OECD 248
Micro- and Molecular Biology
Aquatic studies (algae, daphnia, fish) with microbial pest control agents are performed in our laboratories, including accompanying analytics (also for terrestrial studies e.g. with Aphidius, Typhlodromus and Apis mellifera). Tests can be performed according to OCSPP and OECD test guidelines. We offer additional services e.g. method development, method validation, 5-Batch analysis and survivability studies.
Tests for microbial contaminants are offered in collaboration with partner laboratories.
Genetic sex determination within endocrine testing (FSDT, MEOGRT, LAGDA) is also performed in our laboratories.
For further information, please contact us