Global Exposure Assessment Studies

A unique, 'Complete Solution' service provider for all your exposure and risk assessment needs
The Eurofins Agroscience Services group has a team of Study Directors and Exposure Assessment Scientists responsible for conducting exposure assessment studies to the highest standards anywhere in the world. We offer a fully bespoke service for these highly important studies.
With over 20 years of experience, our teams based in the UK and in the USA can evaluate Operator, Worker, Bystander and Residential exposure to crop protection, biocidal, industrial and consumer products on a global scale, with full GLP accreditation. With technical experts based in the EU and the USA we can design and conduct studies following OECD/GD (97) 148 and EPA Occupational and Residential Exposure Test Guidelines OPPTS series 875.
Our chemistry group, with state of the art equipped laboratories across the EU and in the USA, compliments our studies with extensive knowledge in the development of analytical methods for exposure matrices; active ingredients and metabolites. Full validation of existing analytical methods, as well as analytical study support including LOQ and field fortification spike level determination, where required.
Recently completed studies include:
- Hydraulic boom and broadcast air-assisted field sprayers; hand held application techniques with both lever operated and air-assisted (mistblower) knapsack sprayers for open field and protected cropping systems
- Potato, cereal and maize seed treatment - mobile and factory based
- Fumigation/smoke generator applications in flour mills, grain stores and animal housing
- Granular and soil fumigant applications
- Inhalation exposure for both short and long term monitoring studies
- Worker re-entry exposure and DFR studies
- Residential exposure - dislodgeable and airborne residues
These studies included a range of monitoring techniques including:
- Passive Dosimetry (whole body and patch dosimeters)
- Biomonitoring (for quantitative evaluation of actual absorbed dose)
- Air sampling (worker, bystander and residential evaluations)
Supporting Studies
In addition to our extensive Operator and Worker based exposure studies, our team can offer a full range of supporting studies to aid your regulatory submissions and risk assessments;
- Dislodgeable Foliar Residue (DFR) - both traditional and DFR 'Lite' options
- Dermal penetration
- Turf transferrable residues
- 'Wash off' and surface dislodgeable environmental studies
- Animal fur transfer residues
- Bystander and Resident exposure
- Spray and dust drift studies
Full Service Capabilities
As well as our field technical and chemistry based exposure experts, the wider Eurofins Scientific group have expertise in preliminary risk screening, regulatory approval, risk assessment and modelling. Eurofins Agroscience Regulatory have a wide range of experience in ANNEX II and III reporting, performing hazard and risk assessment according to 1107/2009/EC and 98/8/EC, hazard identification and characterization, dose-response assessment, exposure estimation and exposure modelling, and risk characterization.
For further information, please contact us.