Conchal - Brazil - Eurofins Scientific

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Conchal, Brazil

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Eurofins Agroscience Services Conchal, is located in São Paulo state, close to the head office and experimental areas of our main customers. Our station has 24 hectares, and it is possible to irrigate 100% of this area. This region is near to the international airport, universities and research institutes. Making it easy and convenient for our technical team to visit, and personally monitor the studies.


15 highly trained employees, including researchers, agronomists and technicians deliver high quality services including:

  • Residue trials in the field
  • Efficacy studies and agronomic feasibility
  • Ecotoxicology (pollinators studies)
  • Biotechnology trials (GMO’s)

We have our own apiary and meliponary, enabling us to run ecotoxicology tests (acute and chronic toxicity) in both adult and young (larvae) phases, as well as exposure to leaf residue (RT25).


Conchal region offers favorable wheatear and soil conditions to grow several crops, particularly regional relevant crops, such as sugar cane, coffee and citrus.

Facility address and contact:

Sitio Pindorama, 647
Estrada Municipal CHL-461, Terra Preta
Conchal - SP
CEP 13835-000

Facility contact:
Vinicius Barbosa - +55 99677-7702

Commercial contact:
Andrigo Monroe Pereira - +55 19 2107 5500