
With a wealth of in house expertise, our scientists, agronomists and specialists contribute varied resources to the industry in the form of white papers, posters, and expert presentations.
If you would like to access this material, please see the current list below:
An Multi Residue Screening Method to Determine over 300 Pesticides in Complex Bee Relevant Matrices using LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS; David Van Meter et al |
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Pollinator monitoring for standardized evaluations of wild bee communities in agroecosystems and its potential in risk assessment content; Silvio Knäbe, Olaf Klein & Julian Fricke |
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Honey residue semi-field studies first experiences and open questions; Pierre Mack, Dominic Kugel, Andreas Appeltauer and Silvio Knäbe |
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Comparative Toxicity of Dimethoate to Honeybees, Apis cerena and Apis mellifera; Raveesha KP, Ramesh Halappa |
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A comparison between vegetative and generative endpoints of Non-Target Terrestrial Plant studies with (non) crop species in greenhouse and field; Andreas Duffner et al |
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Aporrectodea caliginosa: A long-term laboratory study with different untreated and Copper treated field soils; Wagenhoff E. et al |
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Bee colony assessments with the Liebefeld method: How do individual beekeepers influence results and are photo assessments an option to reduce variability?; Holger Bargen et al |
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Pollinator Monitoring in agroecosystems – general methods for evaluations in field studies; Silvio Knäbe, Olaf Klein & Julian Fricke |
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Stratified activity based sampling of soil micro-arthropods; Frank Bakker et al | Poster | Download here |
Field based ECx - approach to NTA risk assessment; Frank Bakker et al | Poster | Download here |
Influence of peat particle size on the toxicity of boric acid to the reproduction of the springtail; Eiko Wagenhoff et al | Poster | Download here |
Effects of freshly applied and aged silver nanoparticles on earthworms; Andreas Duffner et al | Poster | Download here |
Additional aquatic invertebrate and macrophyte testing; André Dabrunz et al | Poster | Download here |
Marine Species Testing; Guido Gonsior et al | Poster | Download here |
Aquatic plants: How to deal with different forms and the consequences for endpoints? Guido Gonsior et al | Poster | Download here |
Comparison of different Fish Toxicity Test Guidelines: Scientific Output vs. Investment and Costs; Jonas Baumann et al | Poster | Download here |
Summary of an ICPPR Non-Apis Workshop - Subgroup Higher Tier (Bumble bees and Solitary bees) with Recommendations for a Semi-Field experimental Design; Silvio Knäbe et al | Poster | Download here |
Development of suitable experimental designs for semi-field trials with solitary bees; Lea Franke et al | Poster | Download here |
Experimental design for semi-field trials to test brood affecting plant protection products with solitary bees; Lea Franke et al | Poster | Download here |
Development of suitable experimental designs for semi-field trials with solitary bees; Marco Candolfi et al | Poster | Download here |
Comparison of different feeding diets to improve the performance of higher-tier fish tests; Jonas Baumann et al | Poster | |
Aquatic macrophyte species sensitivity distribution (SSD) - selection of potential testing species; Guido Gonsior et al | Poster | |
Experimental design for semi-field trials to test brood affecting plant protection products with solitary bees; Silvio Knäbe et al | Poster | |
Fish metabolism studies; Guido Gonsior et al | Poster | |
A field monitoring programme to assess the potential of bioaccumulation and biomagnification of a plant protection product in the aquatic and terrestrial environment; Franziska Kröger et al | Poster | |
OECD 239: Influence of pH on the growth of myriophyllum spicatum; Guido Gonsior et al | Poster | |
Variation of nectar sugar content in different flowering plants; Pierre Mack et al | Poster | |
Statistical power and MDD's in earthworm field testing; Tobias Vollmer et al | Poster | |
A field application method to assess the impact of abraded dust on honeybees (Apis mellifera L.); Silvio Knaebe et al Drift of abraded dust of insecticidal seed treatments has resulted in bee poisoning incidents in the past. For risk assessment purposes, tests with realistic applications of defined amounts of dust are needed, e.g. to determine NOEC or LOEC values. However, tests with dust are more difficult than liquid substance tests... |
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Mustard Powder and Allyl-Isothiocyanate (AITC): Possible Substitutes for Formalin as Expellants of Deep-burrowing Earthworms?; T. Vollmer, O. Klein, S. Knaebe Hand-sorting earthworms with subsequent extraction of the deep-burrowing earthworms from the soil below the excavated hole is a widely used method to assess the size and structure of earthworm populations in the field... |
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Bed bug research: prevention and innovation; Jing Zhai, Jessica Lawrence & Joseph Douglas As concern over a global bed bug pandemic has escalated over recent years, the pest control industry has been faced with the challenge of searching for... |
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Automatische Auswertung von Apis mellifera Wabenfotos und Brutentwicklung; Höferlin B., Höferlin M., Kleinhenz M., Bargen H Die Software HiveAnalyzerwurde entwickelt, um Zellinhalte in Fotografien von Bienenwaben mittels Verfahren der Bilderkennung zu analysieren. |
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Honey Bee swarm removal; an occasional home pest; Jessica Lawrence The current situation regarding honey bees and their decline in population has bee widely publicised throughout the world. Bees are responsible for pollinating... |
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L'importanza dell'analisi sensoriale nella filiera agroindustriale; various EAS Italia La valutazione sensoriale è una disciplina scientifica che sempre di più sta affermando in tutto il comparto alimentare la propria importanza al fine di coadiuvare e migliorare le normali attività delle diverse funzioni aziendali impegnate nel regolare svolgimento delle attività delle organizzazioni, dagli approvvigionamenti alla gestione delle vendite e dei clienti... |
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Reliability in Kinetic Evaluation of Environmental Metabolism Data - Assessment and the Influence of Model Specification; Johannes Ranke & René Lehmann In kinetic modeling, rate constants and formation fractions are often fitted directly to observed data applying statistical methods that depend on the assumption of normal distribution of the estimators... |
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A time dependent effect model for ecotoxicological effects in Lemna species; Johannes Ranke While the standard OECD guideline for testing growth inhibition on Lemna sp. prescribes an exposure duration of seven days, typical exposure patterns simulated in FOCUS run-off scenarios for water... |
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Comparison of modified Myriophyllum biotests with and without sediment; Guido Gonsior et al Myriophyllum sp. represents a submerged macrophyte. Therefore, it can uptake plant protection products via the entire plant surface and via its roots. A water-sedimenttest with Myriophyllum spicatum was developed in order to demonstrate more realistic exposure scenarios... |
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Acute and chronic toxicity of different organic solvents on Lumbriculus variegatus;Guido Gonsior et al Substances which are poorly soluble in water require the use of organic solvents for aquatic toxicity tests. The Guidance Document on Aquatic Toxicity Testing of Difficult Substances and Mixture... |
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Seasonal Dynamics of Soil Microarthropod Populations in Agricultural Ecosystems;Silvio Knaebe et al Recently the structure of the microarthropod community in soil has been the focus for a future directive. The main challenge for field tests with micro-arthropods is the agro ecosystem where the tests take place. Reasons for this are... |
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Spatial Distribution of Microarthropods in Agricultural Ecosystems; Silvio Knaebe et al Information on species distribution and abundance of individual groups of microarthropods is available. The best researched group among microarthropods are the Collembola. However, even for this group there is not much knowledge... |
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DICLOFENAC: NEW DATA ON CHRONIC TOXICITY AND BIOCONCENTRATION IN FISH;Memmert et al Diclofenac (DCF) is a widely used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is regularly detected in surface waters. To support a robust aquatic risk assessment, two early life stage (ELS) tests, compliant with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) test guideline 210, were conducted in rainbow trout and in zebrafish... |
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Adsorption of Human Pharmaceuticals to Activated Sludge: How many Different Sludges should be Tested for an Environmental Risk Assessment?; Uli Memmert The risk of human pharmaceuticals to the environment needs to be assessed in Europe according to the EMEA Guideline (Ref. 1). This guideline focuses on the environmental risk from the excretion of the pharmaceutical... |
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Influence of distribution patterns of insecticide coated seeds on lethal and sublethal effects on larvae of Poecilus cupreus (L.) (Coleoptera; Carabidae) in laboratory testing; B.S. Reddy et al A laboratory study was conducted to study the influence of the distribution of carbosulfan coated rape seeds in test containers with a surface of 106 cm². The method was followed with three carbosulfan coated seeds distributed in 1)a triangle, 2)a row and 3)milled and mixed into the soil substrate. As endpoints mortality, hatching weight... |
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Ecotoxicological Test Designs to Assess the Influence of PPP on Development of Poecilus cupreus L. [Coleopterae; Carabidae]; Byreddy Srinivas Reddy, Andreas Fangmeier & Jutta Müther-Paul Carabids are very efficient antagonists to several crop pests, which play an important role in maintaining the agricultural pests to their economic threshold level... |
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Experimental designs for field and semi-field studies with solitary wild bees; Jütte,T., Bosse, G. and Klein, O. The new proposed EFSA risk assessment of plant protection products for pollinators included for the first time not only honey bees but also non-Apis pollinators. |
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Occurrence and distribution of earthworms in agricultural landscapes across Europe;Olaf Klein et al Earthworms are generally divided into 3 ecological groups: epigeic (dwell in shallow topsoil or litter layers), endogeic (dwell in horizontal burrows at all depths) and anecic (dwell in deep vertical burrows opening at the surface)... |
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Spatial and temporal distribution of earthworms in arable fields and its importance for terrestrial risk assessment for earthworms; Olaf Klein, Silvio Knäbe, Anja Hamberger The seasonal abundance of earthworms in arable fields is well known whereas the vertical distribution of earthworms during the season has not been subject to extensive research... |
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Comparison of modified Myriophyllum biotests with and without sediment; Guido Gonsior, Katrin Borrmann, Nathalie Schwalbach, Jutta Müther-Paul Myriophyllum sp. represents a submerged macrophyte. Therefore, it can uptake plant protection products via the entire plant surface and via its roots. |
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Acute and chronic toxicity of different organic solvents on Lumbriculus variegatus; Katrin Borrmann, Guido Gonsior, Jutta Müther-Paul Substances which are poorly soluble in water require the use of organic solvents for aquatic toxicity tests... |
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The effect of applied abraded dusts from neonicotinoid treated seeds in large plots of Phacelia tanacetifolia kursiv on honeybees (Apis mellifera L.); Olaf Klein, Anja Wehner, Melanie Kriszan, Pierre Mack, Silvio Knäbe, Udo Heimbach, Jens Pistorius Drift of abraded dust of insecticidal seed treatments has resulted in bee poisoning incidents in the past... |
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Practical experiences with the off-field non-target arthropod study design; Olaf Klein, Silvio Knaebe, Karen Liepold, Gabriel Weyman Structural protection is a main goal for the off-field habitat in the EU directive for the registration of plant protection products. In the past, impact on non-target arthropods (NTA) was assessed with in-field studies... |
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Thiophanate-Methyl as an Alternative Toxic Reference in the Earthworm Field Test?;Tobias Vollmer, Olaf Klein, Silvio Knaebe Earthworm field tests are required to assess the effects of pesticides on earthworms. According to the ISO guideline, tests must include a toxic reference... |
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Occurrence and Distribution of Soil Microarthropods in Agricultural Landscapes across Europe with regard to Testing for Responses to Plant Protection Products; O. Klein et al The objective of this review was an assessment of the occurrence of soil microarthropods (e.g. Acari, Collembola) in agricultural landscapes across Europe... |
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