EAS Easton | Oyster studies | Shell Deposition Test - Eurofins Scientific

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EAS Easton (USA) offers Oyster studies in 2024

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The team at EAS Group in Easton, Maryland (USA) is currently conducting acute studies (96 hours in length) using the Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) with availability to book oyster studies for the year 2024. 

The testing is carried out by our Aquatic Ecotox experts and is labeled as “A 96-Hour Shell Deposition Test with the Eastern Oyster” following OPPTS 850.1025 guidelines. 

Prior to the test, oysters are acclimated to the culture unit with filtered UV sterilized saltwater obtained from the Indian River Inlet in Delaware for approximately 12-15 days. The team closely monitors shell deposition throughout the duration of the study to measure new growth. An overall mean of 2.0 mm of new shell growth in the controls is a primary factor determining the study's success. 

The EAS Easton team will be accepting test material until August for 2024 studies. To book a study with our EAS Easton team and for more detailed information on our 96-hour acute studies with Eastern oysters in the US:

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