Board of Directors
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The governance structure is headed by the Board of Directors which in turn has appointed further committees to enable it to run the business more efficiently.
The role of the Board of Directors is defined as being of a stewardship nature, providing the framework for the operations of the Group Operating Council's activities and another level of review.
The Board of Directors follows the Internal Regulations of the Board of Directors which define the way the Board of Directors is governed and organised, complementing the specific regulations and the Company's Articles of Association on the matter.
The Board handles the following main topics as part of its terms of reference:
- Discussion and approval of the Group strategy;
- Monitoring of the Group's performance;
- Budget review and approval;
- Definition and supervision of the internal procedures, notably in terms of approvals and signatures;
- Review of the internal audit work, notably regarding the procedures of financial information;
- Settlement of accounts.
The Board members are not legally required to be a shareholder of the Company and are bound by the Group Code of Ethics of the Company, the Internal Regulations of the Board of Directors and the Group Insider Dealings Policy.
The Board members have been selected due to their knowledge and experience, in order to work for the shareholders' and the Company's benefit. Once a year, the Board, as well as the Audit committee, conduct a self-evaluation of their composition, organisation, operations and diversification in order to identify potential areas for improvement. The Board of Directors believes that its members have the appropriate range of skills, knowledge and experience, as well as the degree of diversity, necessary to enable it to effectively govern the business. Board composition is reviewed on a regular basis and additional skills and experience are actively searched for in line with the expected development of Eurofins' business as and when appropriate. No conflicts of interest have been declared by Board members.
The Board of Directors consists of the following members:
- Dr. Gilles Martin, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
- Valérie Hanote, Executive Director
- Dr. Yves-Loïc Martin, Non-Executive Director
- Patrizia Luchetta, Independent Non-Executive Director
- Pascal Rakovsky, Lead Independent Non-Executive Director
- Evie Roos, Independent Non-Executive Director
- Ivo Rauh, Independent Non-Executive Director
- Erica Monfardini, Independent Non-Executive Director